Education story continued...
Just like their big brother Paul, they will learn all about Haiti and what makes their history so special. As they get older maybe they’ll be able to go to secondary school where they will learn so many things, as well get computer skills. Someday, he can be a doctor or a business man and Celeste a teacher or an engineer. With Helping Hugs giving many of the kids in their community the opportunity to go to school, the future is bright.

Why Education Drives Us
The Haitian education system is split between public and private establishments. More than 80% of the schools are private, mostly supported by nonprofit Christian organizations. 20% of the children do not go to school; 30% don’t go beyond the third grade.
Part of our mission is to enable the people of Cotes-de-Fer to lift themselves out of a poverty that makes Haiti the poorest country in the western hemisphere. By improving the educational results, the young people in Haiti will gain the knowledge and skills necessary to address the many challenges facing their country. Education is their key to a better future.

Donors to the education program provide support for three elementary schools, St. Joseph in Cotes-de-Fer and the mountain communities Platon (Sacred Heart) and St. Anthony (St. Anthony). Without your help 350 students would not be able to get a tuition free education. The parish also sponsors a pre-K program and supports 50 high school students. The students are taught by fully trained teachers. There are enough books and school supplies so the students do not have to share. A hot meal lunch, the main meal of the day, is provided.

Future Plans
An education provides a person with confidence and improved self-esteem. One never stops learning. Efforts will be made to maximize school enrollment by sharing with parents the benefits to be gained. Continued Teacher education will provide improved methods and subjects to enhance the educational experience for the students. From time to time, programs that provide additional skills are offered to adults and young adults. Computer classes and sewing classes are two of the most recent. Helping Hugs, Inc. tries to be sensitive to the needs of the community and meets those needs as much as possible.